mallard flock
sunshine Dove of Peace
malard flock

"A Special welcome to our visitors. And Today is . Feel free to get comfortable and make your self at home. Thank you for joining us. We have variety pages, information, news and resources! With lots to see and do. Enjoy your stay and may your day have smooth sailing! And thank you for your continued use and support of this website. "
Rosei Parot

fantasy angel fantasy angel 2 fantasy angel 3 fantasy angel 4 fantasy angel 5
angel of the garden
Angel Of The Garden
lily lily lily lily

Angels Of The Garden Spirit

Angels spirits can do many things. There are real angels in my world. I joined a lovely angels internet group of sharing thoughtful web owners throughout the world. These special angels have beautiful hearts. And have shared not only there spirits but also much of there art work. Lots of there sites have passed, and we still thank them. Please let us know if your angel site has moved so we can credit you again with an address to your website, information and a great big angels thanks again.
a2000greetings logo

Angels Of The Garden

Though friend you are and confidante
Whom blessed words are kept.
With gentle tones you still my mood.
You put my qualms to rest.

Through time our faces line and age.
We've sought new views and missions.
You've remained a true companion,
no matter what our changed positions.

You care not for my mistakes and stupidity
God blessed your heart, your name.
And kind, like an angel, you've been to me.
And without you I would not be the same.

By Jackie Kulick


blue angel
Blue Angel

This guardian angel will sit by your side day and night, so that no one can hurt you and no harm can come to you.

Our Guardian Angels

a2000greetings guardian angel
When angels sense you need them,
And angels always do.
They come, unseen, from everywhere,
To help and comfort you.
They hover close beside you,
Till all your cares are gone.
Till they can see you're ready,
Once again to carry on.
Then some of them fly away,
And take their gentle touch.
To other hearts that need the love,
Of angels very much.
But one, at least, stays with you,
As your constant friend and guide.
For guardian angels never leave,
They're always at your side.



When we speak kindness, from the heart, we speak the language of angels.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: EARTH ELEMENT
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Nature's Gifts. Angelic Advice: The tickle of a kitten's whiskers, the flight of a bird from tree to tree, the tiny violet that hides beneath dewy green leaves - all offer delight. Look at the miracles of flora and fauna around you today and appreciate the wonders of creation. You angels are there. Your Angels wish you joy in: Discoveries.


FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Frolic. Angelic Advice: So often in our world we become caught up in the work of day-to-day living and forget to enjoy our journey through this life. Stop and smell the roses. Do something just for the pure joy of doing it. Your angels wish you joy in: Playing Like a Child.


AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Hush. Angelic Advice: Gather stillness around you today and know that you are able to release all tension. Allow your spirit to feel the magic of the world around you. Your angels wish you joy in: Introspection.


WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Receptivity. Angelic Advice: When we open our hearts and minds to love and spirit, we gain a new perspective, and great new illumination which also shines on those around us. Stretch out your arms today in an open embrace to the universe. Your Angels wish you joy in: Welcomes.


EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Release. Angelic Advice: If something isn't working, it's time to face reality and release your grip on the situation. Letting go of baggage and hindrances and moving on opens wonderful new horizons for you. Put your troubles in a pink balloon and let them float away forever. Your angels wish you joy in: New Roads.


FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Awakening. Angelic Advice: You do not always need to wait for the universe to bring you a new dawn in order to experience an awakening. The essence of what you seek is divine love and freedom from pain and suffering. An a-ha moment can come at any time, as long as you are ready to move up the spiral of spiritual knowledge. Your angels wish you joy in: Mornings


AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of 'Gone Fishing'. Angelic Advice: When was the last time you dipped your fishin' pole in the river of life to see what you could discover? Looking for the new by sitting still and waiting brings answers. Bait your hook with love and expectancy. Your angels wish you joy in: Following Your Bliss.


WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel Today is: The Angel of Reaching your Potential. Angelic Advice: There is nothing out of your reach today as long as you stretch a little. You may be surprised at what you're capable of but it's always been inside you waiting to come out. Your Angels wish you joy in: Reaching for the Stars.


EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Distance. Angelic advice: Looking at your world close up can be enlightening, but try to put some distance between you and it. You might be surprised at the different perspective. Your angels wish you joy in: Enlightenment.


FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Soul Recognition. Angelic Advice: Someone in your environment has previously unseen depths of soul and compassion beneath an unassuming or unlikely exterior. You may connect in spirit today if you go through the door of new perception. Your angels wish you joy in: Tolerance


AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Fortitude. Angelic Advice: If you encounter selfish or controlling people in your world today, remain quietly firm and strong in your stance. Defense will bring more positive results than offense. Judgmentalism benefits noone. Your angels wish you joy in: Shining your light.


WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel Today is: The Angel of the Breath. Angelic Advice: You're feeling a Special Angel's presence around you today. Don't be surprised if you feel their breath on your shoulders. Know that any challenge today can be placed in their strong arms and comforting wings. Breathe in the essence of the angels. Your Angels wish you joy in: Feeling Angel love.


EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Expectations. Angelic Advice: Today, live in positive expectation. The world manifests in a more positive way when you expect the best. Do your work and keep a sense of positivity and let your angels do the rest. Your angels wish you joy in: Anticipation


FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Love. Angelic Advice: Your angels ask you to remember that the source of love is within your spirit. The more you love your Self, the more you can love others and accept their love in return. Love truly heals, transforms and protects. Allow yourself to feel unconditional love for yourself, and for everyone in your world today. Your angels wish you joy in: Expansion.


AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra.
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Exploration. Angelic Advice: New ideas and new worlds are waiting to be explored. Become a pioneer and strike out for new venues of manifesting your world in a positive way. Your angels wish you joy in: Positivity.


WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Space. Angelic Advice: It may be time to redefine your boundaries and carve out a little extra space for yourself. A little solitude or quiet time will bring renewed strength and wisdom. Your angels wish you joy in: Drawing the lines.


EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Innovation. Angelic Advice: You angels ask you not to allow your frustrations to be turned back against your self. With love and with trust, look for new solutions to old problems - your angels will light your way. Your angels wish you joy in: Inspiration.


FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Perpetual Grace. Angelic Advice: Divine grace has no limits. The renewal of awareness will allow you to see that you are always surrounded by divine inspiration, hope and help. Your angels wish you joy in: Renewal.


AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Intervention. Angelic Advice: If you need help, the only way to get it is to ask. Whether you are desiring divine intervention or just the help of a friend, the first step is just to ask! Your angels wish you joy in: Allowing.


WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Your Guiding Angel today is: The Angel of Wishes Fulfilled. Angelic Advice: Dreams-come-true begin with a total commitment of the heart, whether it is in a relationship or a life goal. Speak your desires from your heart and the angels will rejoice to help you. Your angels wish you joy in: Reaching for the stars.


May Your Angels Always Be Just a Whisper Away!
by Zsuzsana

Angels and Archangels

Angel are messengers. Angels comming from the Greek word aggelos and it means messenger. Angels are spirit angelic beings with no flesh or bones. About angels. The angels are spirits and they can do many things. Thus called sometines heavenly angels or guardian angels. And there are good angels and evil angels.


Archangels are entrusted with the more important missions. They act as the leaders or chief angels in the divine army during battle and they protect. Archangels are normally described as important or special angels. Guardians of great personages, here on Earth, and also oversee the duties of the Angels. A prince of the angels so to speak. An angel of the highest rank Archangels and Angels, Angelic beings, About angels, About archangels, heavenly angels,


Angels Are Spirits And They Can Do Many Things.
Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs. ~ Saint Francis de Sales
Real Angels in my world
I'm Susan, I have joined some lovely groups of sharing web owners throughout the world. The Angels Of The Garden is one of the groups I have joined online. And I have some angels of the garden spirit.
I believe in Angels Graphic Thanks To: GranGran
I believe in Angel
angels garden member


We got a visit from Earth Angel
Earth Angel Award
"Angel for you, Susan - a2000greetings. There is an Angel watching over you In good times, troubles or stress. His wings are wrapped around about. Whispering you are loved and blessed."
Angel Hugs
Earth Angel
Thank You Earth Angel


Train - Calling All Angels


Angel Poem
Oh Where My Angels


Oh Where has the time gone
All Angels of the Garden
I know you are there
and that is what counts


Oh Where Oh Where
Are my Friends
I am imagining you all
With a smile on your face
In front of the computer


Oh Where Oh Where
Are my Angel Friends
There is barely time
To check our group mail


So I wrote this quick poem
To send your way
A smile and
Best wishes
Enjoy your day or night as it is
copyright © 1012 Susan J. Flory ~, All Rights Reserved


Flower bar


a2000greetings angel member Sue
Things That Never Die

The pure, the bright, the beautiful
That stirred our hearts in youth;
The impulses to wordless prayer,
The streams of love and truth;
The longing after something lost,
The spirit's yearning cry;
The striving after better hopes...
These things can never die.

The timid hand stretched forth to aid
A brother in his need;
A kindly word in grief's dark hour
That proves a friend indeed;
The plea for mercy softly breathed
When justice threatens high;
The sorrow of a contrite heart...
These things shall never die.

Let nothing pass, for every hand
Must find some work to do;
Lose not a chance to waken love;
Be firm and just and true;
So Shall a light that cannot fade
Beam on thee from on high,
And angel voices say to thee...
"These things shall never die."

--Charles Dickens


angels webring
When we speak kindness, from the heart, we speak the language of angels.


Thank you Bonnie this award and your art is beautiful!
big angel gugs award
Big Angel Hugs Award

Susan, Big Angel Hugs just for you! Lovingly. Bonnie


Flower bar

Angels Love A Life Time

Angels love a life time
Thank you Sandy



a2000greetings Guardian Angel
This Angel I drew early on with paint. And from then on change her dresses or dress colors. I dressed her here for the Angels Of The Garden. To match there website at the time. And mailed her. I sent her on her merry way in her new dress as gift for there web site when I first joined. And added her to this Dedication Page as well. She may have got lost in the mail. I never heard anything back. But she is still the guardian angel of this website. It seems she came out somewhat resembling my mom.


Special Thanks You Whispering Worlds


Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true


Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me


Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow why, oh, why can't I?


Over The Rainbow Lyrics Over The Rainbow Lyrics Midi




angel member welcome


An Angel Funny
An angel in heaven was welcoming a new arrival. 'How did you get here?' he asked. And the new angel replied, 'Flu…'


one year member


poetry plaque


Angels Of The Garden Poetry Member


The Fall

By: Susan Flory


As the winds cool breeze
Gently rustles the leaves
Of orange yellows red and green
My heart stands full


As I live a far
Where fall is not
I know still
Each year as Autumn begins


Natures wonder
The glory be
With rolling hills
Beauty is still around us


A nip in the breeze
A stir in the trees
Such luscious days
Have come my way


As the children stay
In there fantasy play
The leaves begin to fall
And time passes by


The piles on the ground
Grows tall as I rake
Some rustle away
I'm trying to get them to stay


Things begin to gray
The night becomes cool
With little goblins too
And the leaves are hustled away


But I will always remember
Each year as Autumn begins
And my heart begins to stir
That I once lived in New England
copyright © 2010 Susan J. Flory ~, All Rights Reserved
More of my poems can be found on the Poetry page.


Angel Quote
Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs. ~ Saint Francis de Sales
flower garden bar
Ad Privicy Policy
flower garden bar


Friends Are Like Angels

Our friends are like angels,
Who brighten our days.
In all kinds of wonderful,
Magical ways.

Their thoughtfulness comes,
As a gift from above.
And we feel we're surrounded,
By warm, caring love.

Like upside-down rainbows,
Their smiles bring the sun.
And they fill ho-hum moments,
With laughter and fun.

Friends are like angels,
Without any wings.
Blessing our lives,
With the most precious things.


Angel Kisses
Thank You Lilangelkisses for the angel gift and for dusting our site. This gift was sent to us by Angel Kisses when we first started building our website in the 90s. It and you have always been one of our most treasured angels.
Angel Kisses


Angel Gift
Love this Brigitta Thank You!


flower garden bar


angel gift
This is lovely. Thank you, Sieka


An Angel's Love Poem


When I have no one to turn to
And I am feeling kind of low,
When there is no one to talk to
And nowhere I want to go,
I search deep within myself
It is the love inside my heart
That lets me know my Angels are there
Even though we are miles apart.


A smile then appears upon my face
And the sun begins to shine.
I hear a voice, so soft and sweet
Saying, 'Everything will be just fine'
It may seem that I am alone
But I am never by myself at all.
Whenever I need my Angels near
All I have to do is call.


An Angel's love is always true
On that you can depend.
They will always stand behind you
And will always be your friend.
Through darkest hours and brightest days
Our Angels see us through.
You are one of my Angels.
Perhaps I am one for you.


flower bar

I came up to a crossroads
And had to make a choice,
I asked God for His guidance
Then I heard an angel's voice.

You can take the path that's easy
Where life is filled with fun,
No-one there to check you
When a hurtful thing you've done.

You can think just of yourself,
Go seeking useless fame;
Will that bring you happiness
If you play this selfish game?

If you choose the other road
You'll always do whats fair,
Consider those whose lives are sad
Help broken hearts repair.

Some may take advantage
Of the kindness that you show,
But turn the other cheek
As along life's road you go.

The things that really matter
Are the simple things in life,
Bringing pure contentment,
Free from stress and strife.

The choice is yours alone
The angel said to me;
One road leads to sorrow,
The right road sets you free.

Marian Jones 2002

Angel Quotes
"I believe we are free, within limits, and yet there is an unseen hand, a guilding angel, that somehow, like a submerged propeller, drives us on." ~ Rabindranath


flower garden bar


Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs. ~ Saint Francis de Sales


Visit The Angel Message Website Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love ~ Mother Teresa


I believe we are free, within limits, and yet there is an unseen hand, a gilding angel, that somehow, like a submerged propeller, drives us on. ~ Rabindranath


We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. By ~ Mother Teresa


Make our online angel puzzles
Angel Jigsaw Puzzles


a2000greetings guardian angel
Your welcome to add this free angel gif to your website.


angle praying
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love" Mother Teresa


Some graphics thanks to Penny Parker


My Guarden Path

A Magical Place
Whispering Worlds
Gift Thanks To Whispering Worlds


Trello - a2000greetings
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