United States of America Information
Here you will find USA information, USA presidents, USA states, USA state capitals, USA state flowers, USA state flower pictures, & USA state nicknames, USA State Trees. State by state recyclers companies, and more.
United State Trees
Alabama ~ Southern Longleaf Pine, Alaska ~ Sitka Spruce, Arizona ~ Palo Verde, Arkansas ~ Pine, California ~ California Redwood, Colorado ~ Colorado Blue Spruce, Connecticut ~ The Charter Oak, Washington, DC ~ Scarlet Oak, Delaware ~ American Holly, Florida ~ Sabal Palm, Georgia ~ Live Oak, Hawaii ~ Kukui, Idaho ~ Western White Pine, Illinois ~ White Oak, Indiana ~ Tulip Poplar, Iowa ~ Oak, Kansas ~ Cottonwood, Kentucky ~ Tulip Poplar, Louisiana ~ Bald Cypress, Maine ~ White Pine, Maryland ~ White Oak, Massachusetts ~ American Elm, Michigan ~ Eastern White Pine, Minnesota ~ Red Pine, Mississippi ~ Magnolia, Missouri ~ Flowering Dogwood, Montana ~ Ponderosa Pine, The National (U.S.) Tree is ~ The Mighty Oak Tree, Nebraska ~ Cottonwood, Nevada ~ Single-Leaf Piñon, Nevada ~ Bristlecone Pine, New Hampshire ~ White Birch, New Jersey ~ Northern Red Oak, New Jersey ~ Dogwood , New Mexico ~ Piñon Pine, New York ~ Sugar Maple, North Carolina ~ Fraser Fir, North Carolina ~ Pine Tree, North Dakota ~ American Elm, Ohio ~ Ohio Buckeye, Oklahoma ~ Redbud, Oregon ~ Metasequoia, Oregon ~ Douglas Fir, Pennsylvania ~ Eastern Hemlock, Rhode Island ~ Red Maple, South Carolina ~ Sabal Palmetto, South Dakota ~ Black Hills Spruce, Tennessee ~ Eastern Red Cedar, Tennessee ~ Yellowwood Tree, Tennessee ~ Tulip Poplar, Texas ~ Pecan Tree, Utah ~ Blue Spruce, Utah ~ Quaking Aspen, Vermont ~ Sugar Maple, Virginia ~ Flowering Dogwood, Washington ~ Western Hemlock, West Virginia ~ Sugar Maple, Wisconsin ~ Sugar Maple, Wyoming ~ Plains Cottonwood,
USA Tid Bit: Mt. McKinley in Alaska, is the tallest mountain in North America at 20,320 feet above sea level.
States Ranked By Area
"God Bless The USA"
The Declaration Of Independence. Fifty-six members of the Continental Congress signed the engrossed parchment copy of the Declaration Of Independence. Most members signed on Aug. 2, 1776. The rest signed on later dates. The signers OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
United States of America Information at a2000greetings. Presidents, states, state flowers, state capitals, state flower pictures. USA. USA state nicknames. Bird official USA state birds, State by state recyclers companies, and more.
State Flowers and State Flower Pictures
Bird, Official USA State Birds
Official State Birds of All States
Alabama = Yellowhammer, (Colaptes auratus) | Alaska = Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) | Arizona = Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus) | Arkansas = Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) | California = California Quail (Callipepla californica) | Colorado = Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys) | Connecticut = American Robin (Turdus migratorius) | Delaware = Blue Hen Chicken (Gallus gallus) | Florida = Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) | Georgia = Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) | Hawaii = Nene or Hawaiian Goose (Branta sandvicensis) | Idaho = Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) | Illinois = Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | Indiana = Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | Iowa = American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) | Kansas = Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) | Kentucky = Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | Louisiana = Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) | Maine = Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapilla | Maryland = Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) | Massachusetts = Black-Capped Chickadee (Penthestes atricapillus) | Michigan = American Robin (Turdus migratorius) | Minnesota = Common Loon (Gavia immer) | Mississippi = Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) | Missouri = Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) | Montana = Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) | Nebraska = Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) | Nevada = Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides)| New Hampshire = Purple Finch (Carpodacus purpureus) | New Jersey = Eastern Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) | New Mexico = Chaparral Bird or Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) | New York = Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) | North Carolina = Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | North Dakota = Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) | Ohio = Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | Oklahoma = Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus) | Oregon = Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) | Pennsylvania = Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) | Rhode Island = Rhode Island Red (Gallus gallus) | South Carolina = Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) | South Dakota = Ring Necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) | Tennessee = Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) | Texas = Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) | Utah = California Gull (Larus californicus) | Vermont = Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus) | Virginia = Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | Washington = American Goldfinch, Willow Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) | West Virginia = Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) | Wisconsin = American Robin (Turdus migratorius) | Wyoming = Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)
Pledge Of Allegiance
Listen to: An American Boy Grows Up John Wayne
Recycling in USA
On a national level, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversees a variety of waste issues. These include regulation of hazardous wastes, landfill regulations, and setting recycling goals. More specific recycling legislation is localized through city or state governments. There are economic incentive to recycle.America Recycles Day (ARD) is celebrated annually on November 15. It is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and buy recycled products.
US State By State Recycling Companies
Here are the US Recycling Programs Alabama
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virgina
Q: What organization elects the 15 judges of the World Court?
A: The United Nations.
Official U.S. VISA information and appointment services Welcome to the official U.S. Visa Service for foreign citizens travel to the United States. This service is ...
The world's first National Park: Yellowstone National Park
Government information
Important USA web addressesUSA.gov
U.S. Treasury
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
The White House
Email your Representative
Email your Senator
Check your Representative's Voting Record
US Imigration
Veterans Administration
United States Air Force
U.S. Postal Service
Social Security Administration
NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration
USGS National Earthquake Information Center
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
Office of Aircraft Services
U.S. Fire Administration
National Association of State Foresters
U.S. Forest Service
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Fish and Wildlife Service
US National Park Service
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
100 US National Parks Wallpapers
This is a collection of 100 beautiful images of the US National Parks, photographed by me. There are at least 2 photographs from each of the 46 US National Parks that are located in the lower 48 states. The 100 images can be viewed either in thumbnail form or in a slide show. Additionally, if you are using Windows XP then these 100 images will show up in your list of desktop wallpaper and will be viewable with the built in Windows My Pictures Slideshow. These images are all jpg and they can be used for almost anything you would wish to use a photo for, such as decorating your web site or your home page.
Presidents and United States American Hangman
Download American Hangman Presidents and States American Hangman - Presidents and States
United State Showcase
Picture The American Revolution
Incredible Video American Revolution
Interesting American Documentary. The political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century in which thirteen colonies in North America joined together to break from the British Empire, combining to become the United States of America. They first rejected the authority of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern them from overseas without representation, and then expelled all royal officials. By 1774 each colony had established a Provincial Congress or an equivalent governmental institution to govern itself, but still recognized the British Crown and their inclusion in the empire. The British responded by sending combat troops to re-impose direct rule. Through the Second Continental Congress, the Americans then managed the armed conflict in response to the British known as the American Revolutionary War. The British sent invasion armies and used their powerful navy to blockade the coast. George Washington became the American commander, working with Congress and the states to raise armies and neutralize the influence of Loyalists. Claiming the rule of George III of Great Britain was tyrannical and therefore illegitimate, Congress declared independence as a new nation in July 1776, when Thomas Jefferson wrote and the states unanimously ratified the United States Declaration of Independence. The British lost Boston in 1776, but then captured and held New York City. The British would capture the revolutionary capital at Philadelphia in 1777, but Congress escaped, and the British withdrew a few months later. Thanks to: Susi Meikners
States, Capitals, Date, Flower, and Bird
USA State Names, USA State Capitals, USA State Nicknames, USA Capitals Date Admission To Union, & USA State Abbreviations
USA State Name Alabama - USA Capital of Alabama is Montgomery, USA State Capital Alabama Date Admission To Union = December 14, 1819; Alabama Abbreviations = AL, Alabama Nicknames = Yellowhammer State, Heart of Dixie, Camellia State.USA State Name Alaska - USA Capital of Alaska is Juneau, USA State Capital Alaska Date Admission To Union = January 3, 1959, Alaska Abbreviations is AK, Alaska's Nickname = The Last Frontier.
USA State Name Arizona - USA Capital of Arizona is Phoenix, USA Capital of Arizona Date Admission To Union = Date = February 14, 1912, Arizona Abbreviations is AZ, Arizona's Nickname = Grand Canyon State, Copper State
USA State Name Arkansas - USA Capital of Arkansas is Little Rock, USA Capital of Arkansas Date Admission To Union Date = June 15, 1836, Arkansas Abbreviations is AR, Arkansas Nickname = The Natural State, Land of Opportunity, The Razorback State
State Flowers State of Alabama Flower = Camellia
State of Alaska Flower = Forget-me-not
State of Arizona Flower = Suguaro Cactus Blossom
State of Arkansas Flower = Apple Blossom
State of California; Capital = "Sacramento"; Date = "September 9, 1850"; Flower = "Golden Poppy"; Bird = "California Valley Quail";
State of Colorado; Capital = "Denver"; Date = "August 1, 1876"; Flower = "Mountain Columbine"; Bird = "Lark Bunting";
State of Connecticut; Capital = "Hartford"; Date[ = "January 9, 1788"; Flower = "Mountain Laurel"; Bird = "Robin";
State of "Florida"; Capital = "Tallahassee"; Date = "March 3, 1845"; Flower = "Orange Blossom"; Bird = "Mockingbird";
State of "Georgia"; Capital = "Atlanta"; Date = "January 2, 1788"; Flower = "Cherokee Rose"; Bird = "Brown Thrasher";
State of "Hawaii"; Capital = "Honolulu"; Date = "August 21, 1959"; Flower = "Red Hibiscus"; Bird = "Nene (Hawaiian Goose)";
State of "Idaho"; Capital = "Boise"; Date = "July 3, 1890"; Flower = "Syringa"; Bird = "Mountain Bluebird";
State of "Illinois"; Capital = "Springfield"; Date = "December 3, 1818"; Flower = "Violet"; Bird = "Cardinal";
State of "Indiana"; Capital = "Indianapolis"; Date = "December 11, 1816"; Flower = "Peony"; Bird = "Cardinal";
State of "Iowa"; Capital = "Des Moines"; Date = "December 28, 1846"; Flower = "Wild Rose"; Bird = "Eastern Goldfinch";
State of "Kansas"; Capital = "Topeka"; Date = "January 29, 1861"; Flower] = "Sunflower"; Bird = "Western Meadowlark";
State of "Kentucky"; Capital = "Frankfort"; Date = "June 1, 1792"; Flower = "Goldenrod"; Bird = "Cardinal";
State of "Louisiana"; Capital = "Baton Rouge"; Date = "April 30, 1812"; Flower = "Magnolia"; Bird = "Eastern Brown Pelican";
State of "Maine"; Capital = "Augusta"; Date = "March 15, 1820"; Flower = "Pine Cone & Tassel"; Bird = "Chickadee";
State of "Tennessee"; Capital = "Nashville"; Date[18] = "June 1, 1796"; Flower[18] = "Iris"; Bird = "Mockingbird";
State of "Maryland"; Capital = "Annapolis"; Date = "April 28, 1788"; Flower = "Black-eyed Susan"; Bird = "Baltimore Oriole";
State of "Delaware"; Capital = "Dover"; Date = "December 7, 1787"; Flower = "Peach Blossom"; Bird = "Blue Hen Chicken";
State of "Massachusetts"; Capital = "Boston"; date = "February 6, 1788"; Flower = "Mayflower"; Bird = "Chickadee";
State of "Rhode Island"; Capital = "Providence"; Date = "May 29, 1790"; Flower = "Violet"; Bird = "Rhode Island Red";
State of "Minnesota"; Capital = "St. Paul"; Date = "May 11, 1858"; Flower = "Lady-slipper"; Bird = "Loon";
State of "Mississippi"; Capital = "Jackson"; Date = "December 10, 1817"; Flower = "Magnolia"; Bird = "Mockingbird";
State of "Missouri"; Capital = "Jefferson City"; Date = "August 10, 1821"; Flower = "Hawthorn"; Bird = "Bluebird";
State of "Michigan"; Capital = "Lansing"; Date = "January 26, 1837"; Flower = "Apple Blossom"; Bird = "Robin";
State of "Montana"; Capital = "Helena"; Date[ = "November 8, 1889"; Flower = "Bitterroot"; Bird = "Western Meadowlark";
state of "Nebraska"; Capital = "Lincoln"; Date[ = "March 1, 1867"; Flower = "Goldenrod"; Bird = "Western Meadowlark";
State of "Nevada"; Capital = "Carson City"; Date = "October 31, 1864"; Flower = "Sagebrush"; Bird = "Mountain Bluebird";
State of "New Hampshire"; Capital = "Concord"; Date[30] = "June 21, 1788"; Flower = "Purple Lilac"; Bird = "Purple Finch";
State of "Vermont"; Capital = "Montpelier"; Date = "March 4, 1791"; Flower = "Red Clover"; Bird = "Hermit Thrush";
State of "New Jersey"; Capital = "Trenton"; Date = "December 18, 1787"; Flower = "Violet"; Bird = "Eastern Goldfinch";
State of "New Mexico"; Capital = "Santa Fe"; Date = "January 6, 1912"; Flower = "Yucca"; Bird = "Road Runner";
State of "New York"; Capital = "Albany"; Date[34] = "July 26, 1788"; Flower[34] = "Rose"; Bird = "Bluebird";
State of North Carolina>; Capital = "Raleigh"; Date = "November 21, 1789"; Flower = "Flowering Dogwood"; Bird = "Cardinal";
State of Wyoming; Capital = "Cheyenne"; Date = "July 10, 1890"; Flower = "Indian Paintbrush"; Bird = "Meadowlark";
State of North Dakota; Capital = "Bismarck"; Date = "November 2, 1889"; Flower = "Prairie Rose"; Bird = "Meadowlark";
State of "Ohio"; Capital = "Columbus"; Date = "March 1, 1803"; Flower = "Scarlet Carnation"; Bird = "Cardinal";
State of "Oklahoma"; Capital = "Oklahoma City"; Date = "November 16, 1907"; Flower = "Mistletoe"; Bird = "Scissor-tailed Flycatcher";
State of "Oregon"; Capital = "Salem"; Date = "February 14, 1859"; Flower = "Oregon Grape"; Bird[40] = "Western Meadowlark"
State of Pennsylvania; Capital = Harrisburg; Date = December 12, 1787; Flower = Mountain Laurel; Bird = Ruffed Grouse;
State of South Carolina; Capital= Columbia; Date = May 23, 1788; Flower = Yellow Jessamine; Bird = "Carolina Wren";
State of South Dakota; Capital = Pierre; Date = November 2, 1889; Flower = Pasque flower; Bird = "Ring-necked Pheasant";
State of Texas; Capital = "Austin"; Date = "December 29, 1845"; Flower = "Bluebonnet"; Bird = "Mockingbird";
State of Utah; Capital = Salt Lake City; Date = January 4, 1896; Flower = Sego Lily; Bird = Sea Gull;
State of Virginia; Capital = Richmond; Date = June 26, 1788; Flower = Dogwood; Bird = Cardinal;
State of Washington; Capital = Olympia; Date = November 11, 1889; Flower = Coast Rhododendron; Bird = Willow Goldfinch;
State of West Virginia; Capital = Charleston; Date = "June 20, 1863; Flower = Rhododendron; Bird = Cardinal;
State of Wisconsin; Capital = Madison; Date = May 29, 1848; Flower = Wood Violet; Bird = Robin;
The president is elected for a four-year term and may be reelected only once. The bicameral Congress consists of the 100-member Senate, elected to a six-year term with one-third of the seats becoming vacant every two years, and the 435-member House of Representatives, elected every two years. The minimum voting age is 18.
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