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Mutual funds that invest in private tech companies are surprisingly good at predicting what a tech company will be worth when it goes public, an analysis of recent IPOs shows. The finding undercuts criticism leveled at mutual funds by tech executives, who have said the estimates bear little relation to the value of their companies.
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Investors unsure euro zone growth to stay strong in 2018 (By Reuters) Investor sentiment in the euro zone fell more than expected in December, research group Sentix said on Monday, adding that the fall was no reason for concern given the headline figure had been rising sharply and hit a 10-year high last month.

Sentix's economic sentiment index for the euro zone, based on a survey of 975 investors, fell to 31.1 in December from 34.0 last month.

It attributed the fall to a sub-index measuring expectations about the economy falling by six points.

"Investors are asking whether 2018 can be even better, and are hedging their bets on the future by placing their expectations below those of September 2017," it added. It said the decline was no reason for concern as the fall had come after a 10-year high record readíng. A separate index tracking Germany also fell. Sentix linked the fall to uncertainty created by Conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel's failure last month to form a government with the ecologist Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats.

Merkel has turned to Social Democrats (SPD) in the hope of renewing a "grand coalition" with the centre left party that has ruled Germany for the last four years. It said investors now wanted to know how expensive a tie-up with the SPD, who want to significantly increase investments on infrastructure and education, broaden a social security net and improve worker rights, would be. "The price for a continuation of Merkel's governance and for German finances could be high," Sentix said. "Foreign investors will be particularly paying attention how high the additional spending will be and whether labour market conditions will worsen."

Merkel, whose conservatives were weakened in an election on Sept. 24 that vaulted a far-right party into parliament, is seeking a fourth term.


Ameriabank named Bank of the Year in Armenia 2017 by the Banker Ameriabank won the Bank of the Year in Armenia 2017 award by the Banker – a premier publication of Financial Times. In a statement, the bank said it is honored with the award for the third year in a row and overall for the fifth time (previous awards were handed in 2016, 2015, 2013, 2010).


Bitcoin is now bigger than Armenia's economy by 18 times As puts the total value of all bitcoins in circulation at $193 billion, the cryptocurrency now exceeds the annual output of Armenia by more than 18 times. The country's economy is valued at a little more than $10,5 billion, according to World Bank data as of July. Bitcoin’s price surge means its market cap is bigger than most of the world's economies and the estimated worth of some of the world’s top billionaires. The cryptocurrency continued its march higher on Monday, December 4, solidifying above $11,000 and bringing its climb this year to more than 1,000%. The cryptocurrency’s market cap is also bigger than the likes of New Zealand, Qatar, Kuwait and Hungary. Bitcoin’s run-up has even seen it valued more highly than two of the world’s most influential banks - Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’ ($97 billion) and UBS Group AG ($67 billion). Also, Bill Gates is worth $90 billion and Warren Buffett has $83 billion, according to Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index.


The Chicago Financial Planner, focuses on helping regular investors avoid the hype and confusion of the financial-services industry. Has a post focused on what financial firms could learn from visiting Lambeau Field), Roger Wohlner, on topics ranging from ETF pricing to estate- planning mistakes. Check out The Chicago Financial Planner by Roger Wohlner, a fee-only financial adviser based near the Windy City.


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